Intermittent fasting helps shed unwanted pounds all over the body, including smaller cheeks and neck. Facial fat may be the first indicator that a person is developing insulin resistance or is pre-diabetic and at risk for diabetes.
General weight loss is the best way to lose face fat and intermittent fasting helps. Intermittent fasting burns fat and increases insulin sensitivity helping to achieve weight loss goals.
Chubby cheeks on a child might be cute, but on an adult, it could signify trouble.
Many overweight women have an accumulation of fat on their faces and neck. Facial fat is composed of different layers of fat, including subcutaneous fat, the fat found right below the skin and a deeper, visceral fat. Visceral fat, which accumulates around your organs or muscles, is insulin sensitive, receives less blood flow than other fats, and is stubborn and hard to lose. Extra fat on the face ages a person. Women look in the mirror, wondering where their cheekbones and jawline are. They want to get rid of the double chin and look their best but don’t know how to start.
If you want to lose facial fat you can, but it is impossible to lose fat on your face without making an overall weight loss effort.
Facial fat is the second most stubborn fat on the body.
It usually is the result of:
Abdominal fat has been studied and found to be a strong indicator that someone is insulin resistant. Fat found in the cheeks and neck is similar to visceral abdominal fat; therefore, both may give insight into a person’s insulin sensitivity(1).
When the cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and glucose (sugar) has problems entering your cells, a person is insulin resistant. The pancreas works harder, producing more insulin to create balance(2).
When blood sugar levels are higher than usual but not high enough to be considered diabetic, one has pre-diabetes. More than 84 million people ages 18 and older have pre-diabetes in the United States, leading to Type 2 Diabetes(2).
People with pre-diabetes or insulin resistance will often go undiagnosed because they are asymptomatic, but facial fat is one possible indicator of insulin resistance.
Intermittent fasting is one way to get rid of fat in the face, and it has other added benefits. Intermittent fasting is not eating or drinking most foods and liquids for part of each day or portions throughout the week. No matter what method of intermittent fasting you choose, one significant advantage of losing face and body fat with intermittent fasting is reducing insulin resistance(3).
Your blood sugar level rises when you eat, and insulin is released to counter this and bring the body back into balance. When you are constantly feeding the body, blood sugar levels remain high and more insulin is needed. Insulin is a fat-storing hormone.
When fasting blood sugar levels drop, a fat-releasing hormone is triggered, the body switches to burning stored fat for fuel, and insulin sensitivity levels improve.
Also, when you are fasting part of the day, there is less eating time and most likely a reduction in calories shown in research to decrease insulin resistance and help with general weight loss(3).
The best way to get rid of a fat face is overall weight loss, and many women in our online community choose intermittent fasting to support them. Adopting a 16/8, Alternate Day Fasting, OMAD, or another type of intermittent fasting lifestyle can help slim the face and body.
Some other ways to get rid of face fat include:
If you have been wondering how to get rid of fat on your face, start focusing on general fat loss. Intermittent fasting helps shed unwanted pounds all over the body, including smaller cheeks and neck. A fat face may be the first indicator that a person is developing insulin resistance. In addition to reducing weight and burning fat, all intermittent fasting methods improve insulin resistance, helping to slim the face and body. Other ways to reduce face fat include facial exercises, reducing sugar and sodium, eating more produce, and getting proper sleep.