How Does Intermittent Fasting Affect Sex Drive In Women?

Intermittent fasting decreases sex drive in some women, whereas a libido increase with intermittent fasting is experienced by others.
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Intermittent fasting and its effect on the libido can be a concern for some women, especially those already experiencing decreased sexual desire due to menopause, mental health issues, or prescribed medications.

There is no definitive conclusion about intermittent fasting and libido. Some women report issues in the bedroom, yet others experience a higher sex drive while intermittent fasting. Eating more healthy fats, proteins and vitamins, staying adequately hydrated and choosing aphrodisiac foods and spices can boost a woman’s libido.

Written by
Jill Lebofsky
15+yr Women's Wellness Expert, Holistic Menopause Support, Intermittent Fasting, Midlife, Essential Oil, Author, Speaker

OK, intermittent fasting is working for you and pounds are being shed. Your partner is telling you how hot you look and your self-esteem is high. And finally, you fit into that sexy dress that's been hanging in your closet for years!

Only one problem… your sexual desire has gone south. And you don't know why.


Sex drive and women 

Every woman's sex drive, also known as libido, is unique. Several factors influence a woman's sexual desire and determine whether her sex drive is high or low.

Reasons for experiencing a low libido in women:

  • Menopause (1)
  • Aging (2)
  • Obesity (3)
  • Anxiety/depression/mental health issues (4)
  • Chronic medical conditions (diabetes, heart disease) (2)
  • Medicine/drugs (5)
  • Hormonal contraceptive methods (6)
  • Pregnancy (7)
  • Happiness in relationship (8)


Methods of fasting

Red alarm clock

Some overweight women report a lack of sexual desire due to physical problems and negative self-perceptions. Studies on obesity and sexuality found that there is a correlation between weight loss and improvement in libido (9). Intermittent fasting can help a woman look and feel her best and increase her want for sex.

Intermittent Fasting

Our body's primary source of energy is the sugar that usually comes from the foods we consume. When you fast for 12 or more hours, your body has used up most of this energy source and turns to stored fat to burn for additional fuel.

Intermittent fasting is the least restrictive and is recommended for daily use. There are different types of intermittent fasting, including the commonly used 16/8, 5:2, and alternate day fasting methods.

The 16/8 method sets time parameters around your fasting hours and when you eat.

Both the 5/2 and alternate day fasting methods limit the number of calories you can consume to 500 on certain days of the week.

Prolonged Fasting/Water Fasts 

This is an extended form of intermittent fasting that lasts from 24 hours to up to 3 days or longer with medical supervision. Only water is consumed during this period.

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Libido and intermittent fasting

Woman in red underwear.

The small body of research on the connection between intermittent fasting and libido has addressed the male but not the female sex drive. However, there are many anecdotal stories of women having a lost libido during intermittent fasting, while others report a higher sex drive while intermittent fasting.

Does intermittent fasting decrease sex drive? 

Reduced energy levels

Depending on the fasting schedule you choose, you may feel decreased energy. If you follow the 16/8 method, you shouldn't feel much of a change in sexual desire, but some women feel tired toward the end of the fast. Perhaps plan for your bedroom romp earlier rather than later in your fast.

Your energy levels may drop on calorie-restricted days when following the 5:2 or alternate day method, and so may your desire to make love. Wait for your "eating days" to engage in sexual relations.

Many people find that their libido drops along with their energy levels when they do prolonged fasts but returns to normal once they start taking in nutrients again.

Sex drive is often determined by your energy levels, and the foods you choose to eat can either energize you, improve your mood and libido, or drag you down and make you feel groggy.

Decreased hydration

Some women experience vaginal dryness due to hormonal changes and other reasons. This causes sex to be uncomfortable, resulting in lowered desire. Inadequate hydration can exacerbate the problem (10).

When adopting an intermittent fasting lifestyle, you will naturally be eating less frequently. A major source of our water intake is the foods we eat. Also, because many people only drink at mealtime, it is essential to make sure you drink enough water when fasting to stay properly hydrated. Your sex life might depend on it!


Lowered testosterone levels

Although testosterone levels are much lower in women than men, testosterone does play a vital role in sexual desire in women. Testosterone levels naturally decrease with age.

There is conflicting evidence on whether intermittent fasting decreases testosterone levels or improves them (11,12). If you're concerned, get your testosterone level checked with your doctor.

Intermittent fasting and increased female libido

Although some women first experience decreased sexual desire, once they are consistent with their fasting, many notice their libido increase with intermittent fasting.

This may be thanks to a focus on healthier eating when trying to lose weight while intermittent fasting.

Foods, as well as herbs and spices, can directly affect libido. In addition, performance between the sheets and reaching orgasm are also both positively and negatively impacted by diet.

Focusing on foods lower in carbs and higher in fats, proteins, and vitamins can provide longer, sustained energy and keep your sexual interest piqued.

Try these foods known to help women with lubrication, libido, and increased responsiveness:

1) Maca (13)

2) Small amounts of red wine (14)

3) Apples (15)

4) Bananas (16

Reducing stress and getting a good night's sleep on a regular basis can also increase a woman's sex drive (17, 18).


The bottom line

Research has shown that fasting results in lowered libido in men (19). Although there are no similar studies on intermittent fasting and low sex drive in women, some do experience decreased sexual desire when beginning intermittent fasting or doing longer fasts. Lowered testosterone levels, energy levels, and hydration may play a part in a woman's lack of sexual desire.

Other women enjoy increased sex drive with intermittent fasting. Adopting a consistent fasting schedule, combined with healthier eating habits, adequate water intake, and reduced stress and more sleep, all help make a woman's sex life soar.

Intermittent fasting has many other benefits, find out about them !

Join the intermittent fasting online community of women and learn more about how intermittent fasting can affect your sex drive.


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