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Why Should You Try Intermittent Fasting Today

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Written by
Jill Lebofsky
15+yr Women's Wellness Expert, Holistic Menopause Support, Intermittent Fasting, Midlife, Essential Oil, Author, Speaker

We can't stop time from passing, so why waste another minute wishing things were different. 

Intermittent fasting can be the introduction to a whole new life.

The physical and emotional effects of watching the scale bounce up and down for years take their toll on us.

But once a person incorporates intermittent fasting into their daily routine, they rarely return to the yo-yo dieting cycle.

What is intermittent fasting?

Most weight loss programs on the market restrict favorite foods, resulting in a few pounds shed. But, the weight is often regained.

On and off-again weight management leaves people’s bodies in a constant unbalanced state.

Intermittent fasting is approached differently - it’s a lifestyle.


There are different methods of intermittent fasting, but all focus on burning stored fat to energize the body.

Intermittent fasting programs don’t have a set meal plan to follow, and no quantity or type of food is off-limits.

Finding the proper information and encouragement is essential for long-term results.

Many women get support from digital apps. One example is the WeFast app. It’s the only intermittent fasting app designed for women to address their specific issues and needs when losing weight.

The benefits of intermittent fasting for women

Feeling good in a new pair of jeans or having the confidence to wear a bathing suit on the beach again are just a few reasons, but women continue intermittent fasting long after the fat is gone.

The list of intermittent fasting benefits for women is expansive and goes beyond the scale, including:

  • more energy
  • less inflammation
  • better sleep 
  • increased focus
  • anti-aging effects 

Another reason people love the intermittent fasting lifestyle is spending fewer hours shopping for and cooking special foods, saving money and time. 

Also, less mental energy is wasted thinking about meals and feeling guilty for eating certain items because there are no food rules or restrictions other than not eating during the fasting hours. 

Would you be excited about returning from a weeklong vacation after enjoying the local cuisine and desserts every night and realizing you didn’t put on any weight?

There are so many amazing benefits of intermittent fasting in addition to weight loss. It’s worthwhile to take the time to investigate further and see how intermittent fasting could work into your daily routine.

How to do intermittent fasting?

Adopting the intermittent fasting lifestyle has been a turning point for millions of women worldwide in their wellness journey. 

For the first time in years, women are enjoying eating food guilt-free while losing weight and working towards looking and feeling their best.

And every woman deserves to look in the mirror and smile at what they see. Sometimes all that's needed to reach health and wellness goals is proper support. 

The WeFast app has everything you’ll need, in one place for long-term weight loss success.

Don’t let another second of your life fly by. Click here to download the app, receive expert advice, guidance, accountability, and join a community of over 70,000 women to get you started on your intermittent fasting journey.

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